Venus, the second closest planet to the Sun, despite its relative proximity to Earth and its apparent beauty, presents extremely harsh environmental conditions that make studying and exploring its surface...
The Drake Equation: Are We Alone in the Universe?
The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) began in the 1950s with the suggestion of using microwaves for interstellar communication. Frank Drake, a physicist, conducted the first systematic search for SETI...
Dark Oxygen Production at the Abyssal Seafloor: Uncovering a New Oceanic Phenomenon
The term “dark oxygen” has recently emerged in scientific discussions about oceanic phenomena. The deep ocean has long been a realm of mystery, with many of its processes and inhabitants...
Biomining Research In Space
Introduction In our previous article, we explored the potential of CRISPR gene editing technology in space biomining applications. CRISPR’s ability to modify genetic material in a desired direction is considered...
A CRISPR-Based Assay For The Study of Eukaryotic DNA Repair Onboard The ISS
Astronauts traveling beyond the protective boundaries of Earth’s magnetosphere are at an increased risk of DNA damage caused by ionizing radiation. Such DNA damage may lead to cancer and other...
MoEP PADSAT’24’e Katılıyor
MoEP; İHA ve Küçük Uydular için Faydalı Yükler Yıllık Sempozyumu 2024 (PADSAT’24)’da, Amatör Uydu Teknolojileri Deneği (TAMSAT) ile birlikte aynı stantta yer alacaktır. PADSAT’24, Türk Hava Kurumu Üniversitesi (UTAA) tarafından...
MoEP 47th International Amateur Radio Exhibition’da
MoEP olarak bu yıl da Almanya Friedrichshafen’de yapılacak olan 47th International Amateur Radio Exhibition’a katılıyoruz. Fuarda ziyaretçilere ve farklı ülkelerden gelecek olan bir çok amatör telsiz operatörüne MoEP’in bugüne kadar...
“Journey to Space with Little Leukemia Stars: Let Your Drawing Go Into Space!” Event Report
We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of our project “Journey to Space with Little Leukemia Stars: Let Your Picture Go Into Space” organized in collaboration with LadyBug FRC...