General Article Rules (For MoEP Web Page)


On the MoEP web page, on a subject with your own expertise/interest/relevant field; If you wish, you can publish individual articles or in the form of a series of articles.

The rules of Mars on Earth Project (MoEP) Community on this subject are as follows. Authors can write articles in English or their own language.

If you prepare an article in your own language, you must also submit an English version of this article.

Keyword Usage

It is important to use keywords for search engines. This word should be the most defining word of a text.

Word; It is important to use it in the title of the article, in an image description, in the image file name, in the first 2 lines of the article and in the article titles.

In this way, it is important for us to reach more people, as well as making your article more prominent and higher in search engines. Let’s say “rover” is our example keyword.

  • Article Title: Mars Rover Communication
  • First Lines: Mars rover studies are the first to come to mind when the planet Mars comes to mind.
  • Image Name: mars-rover-1.jpg
  • Image Description: Image-1. A Mars rover in research phase.

Font Structure

1. Articles should consist of at least 700-750 words, excluding picture descriptions.

2. In the introduction part, the subject should be explained with a short summary, then the details should be entered in the following lines.

3. Articles should be submitted as a Word document. Arial should be written in plain text in 11pt without using paragraph indentation.

4. For search engine optimization in the texts, a new line should be used in 2 or 3 lines at the most, so as not to disturb the integrity of the subject and sentence.

5. The name of our group should be used as Mars on Earth Project (MoEP) in places where it is mentioned.

6. Manuscripts should be checked for the last time that they comply with the writing rules before they are sent. Editors can make the necessary corrections in order to better understand the subject under the conditions they deem necessary.

Pictures in the Content of the Article

1. Pictures should not be pasted in the article, pictures should be sent as an e-mail attachment. In the parts where pictures will be placed in the text, warnings in the form of “rover-picture-1” should be added in the middle area.

Web editors will place these images for you in the relevant places according to these small notifications you specify.

2. The images to be sent must not be copyrighted or written permission must be obtained from the relevant person/institution. Such permissions should be specified at the end of the article.

Where this is not possible, images from space agencies’ open sources should be used and reference should be made, for example, “Image-1. Curiosity rover wheels. (Image Credit: NASA/JPL)” at the end of the image description.

3. Images should preferably be in horizontal position and at least 780 pixels wide if not required. You can cut and send pictures as 780×365 pixels.

4. If a technical statement in the text requires additional explanation, a link should be given to the relevant page by word.

Post Publication Time

1. In MoEP, all articles are published in a certain order. This period may be on the same day, or it may be delayed for a while in order for an important study announcement to be ahead.

Articles containing technical information may take time to be re-examined to allow more room for additional explanations or technical details.

Our editors can add details to your article on topics outside of your field (electronics, RF, space communications, etc.) and inform you before publishing.

2. Another factor affecting the time of publication of the article is the determination of the time of publication of the article suitable for search engine optimization.

It is important to publish more than one article on the same day or to distribute the predicted article accumulation in that month in a balanced way.

Authors and Comments

1. Your articles will be published under your name after editorial control.

2. After the comments on your article reach a certain level, it is necessary to write a thank you letter as a courtesy. However, this period should not exceed two weeks in order to keep the readers in touch.

Source and References / Translations

1. Writing an article should not consist of translating an exact copy of an existing article in a different language.

Many publishers are also very sensitive about this and it is unethical to translate this without written permission. Articles in the popular science genre can only be prepared in the form of short excerpts.

2. References and sources used at the end of the article should be listed as items.