We experienced a natural disaster that shook us all deeply in the past months. Although our physical wounds begin to heal as the days go by, it will take time for the psychological wounds, especially on children, to heal. However, as one heart in our beautiful country, we are hopeful and strong for the future.
This month we will celebrate an important day, especially for children. We celebrate the 23 April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, which our great leader Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK presented to Turkish and world children right after the Great War of Independence…
The first holiday in a country that is trying to be renewed in the face of all the suffering, challenging conditions, and subsequent impossibilities during the war; It is one of the essential steps for the strong Turkey of the future and has been a significant source of moral motivation for children.
As MoEP, we wanted to create a similar source of motivation together with our science volunteers and amateur radio operators and to bring our children, who are our future, together with space sciences and leave a beautiful memory that they will remember in the future.
This study will also be an experience for operators who develop equipment for QO-100 satellite communication, which is allowed to be used due to the state of emergency for amateur radio operators. Participants will also have the opportunity to perform tests such as hardware endurance, antenna systems, hardware performance, heating-cooling, etc., during the long-term activity.
Continuing our article, we share the list of our primary stations that will be linked to the satellite, the general steps to be followed during the preparation period for the event, the things that can be done during the hardware testing phase, and the necessary information. Amateur radio operators participating in this activity will be entitled to receive a certificate.
MoEP Stations, which are connected to the QO-100 Amateur Satellite
1. MoEP-Finland Amateur Satellite Communication Station, (OH2UDS, OH2CAV)
2. MoEP-Germany Amateur Satellite Communication Station, (DL2IE)
3. Hello Space – MoEP, A.Tahir Dengiz TA2T (SK) Uydu Gözlem ve Radyo Astronomi İstasyonu (A. Tahir Dengiz TA2T (SK) Satellite Observation and Radio Astronomy Station)
4. MoEP School Station – Erol Altaca Okulları, Amateur Satellite Technologies and Amateur Radio Club (YM1XEA). Established by MoEP, it is Turkey’s first school station with QO-100 amateur satellite communication system.
The Preparation and Coordination Stage
The existing “Amatörce Paylaşım” Whatsapp Group will be used for coordination with amateur radio operators before and during the event.
If you are not in this group and would like to participate in the QO-100 study actively and/or as a follower, you can sign up using the form here.
Afterward, you can join the group by using the Whatsapp group invitation link that will be sent to your e-mail address in the application. (Application is open to Turkish radio amateurs only.)
The Hardware Testing Stage
At the end of the 23 April ceremonies, 4 MoEP Main Stations KG-STV, SSB, and D-ATV will start test broadcasts at 11:00 am (GMT+3). Amateur radio operators in other cities can test their hardware during this time and discuss it in the Whatsapp Group.
If you do not have your own standard equipment to listen to the audio transmissions to be made in SSB mode, the following online WebSDR addresses can be used.
WebSDR Addresses
SSB Frequencies
- 10489670 – 10489680 kHz.
- 10489700 – 10489710 kHz.
- 10489770 – 10489780 kHz.
- 10489810 – 10489820 kHz.
D-ATV Frequencies
In the study, the main frequency specified below will be used, and in case of busyness, alternative frequency will be used.
Main Frequency:
- Satellite: QO-100 26°
- Frequency: 10496.25 MHz
- Polarization: H
- Mode: DVB-S2
- Symbol Ratio: 1000/500 FEC 3/4
Alternative Frequency:
- Satellite: QO-100 26°
- Frequency: 10494.75 MHz
- Polarization: H
- Mode: DVB-S2
- Symbol Ratio: 1000/500 FEC 3/4
Activity Steps
1. The main stations mentioned above will start broadcasting immediately after the test broadcast. During this time, other operators will remain listening and recording.
2. Students who will visit Hello Space – MoEP, A.Tahir Dengiz TA2T (SK) Satellite Observation and Radio Astronomy Station and MoEP School Station and Erol Altaca Schools Amateur Satellite Technologies and Amateur Radio Club Communication Station on-site within the scope of planning; In the QO-100 live broadcast, they will convey good wishes and congratulatory messages and will witness the communication in person.
3. Operators in different countries and cities can send congratulations on April 23rd with images and videos they have prepared in return, and our stations will stay tuned.
4. Statistics such as city, hardware, power, antenna, hardware test, signal quality, and participant information will also be shared in the article to be published after the study.
5. Listener stations participating in the study will notify their records online using the form below. Please note that you must complete this form to be eligible for a certificate.
6. You can send us any questions about the activity by clicking here.
Form Link for Certificate
Certificates will start to be sent to your e-mail addresses within the week after the event.
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